Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Old pictures...

I stumbled upon these pictures of my family from almost two years ago... I hadn't seen them in a while so they were quite enjoyable to look at...
Mom and I

The whole fam... nice sunset huh?

Sears catalog shot... Shawn just sold Tyler a car.

They had been married just 4mos.

Cadid shot with a gi-normous arrow

Yep... this is a taste of what my family is like... our picture taking skills are unparalleled... and yes, I will be scrapping these.


Amy T Schubert said...

I just scrapped Kim's wedding! and now I have all these (not the ones you posted, but others) pics of the Thompsons to scrap ...

NanAZ said...

Strange, I was just thinking about my pics from Kim's wedding because I took some sunset shots last night and the same sky (in your pics) at Kim's wedding was so awesome. Does that make sense?


linda t said...

Now I want to do a layout of those pics!
So FUN! I laughed my head off!
So cute!