Okay, so after 3 requests submitted for classes at Royal Holloway I have finally finalized my "study plan". I kept picking classes that I was less and less interested in before I finally found some classes that still had space available. My classes are as follows:
English 2208 - (Elizabeth) Gaskell, (George) Eliot, and (Charles) Dickens
History 2010 - Conquest and Colonization: Culture, Society and Religion 1000-1300
History 2213 Modern British History 1914 - 1973
I am choosing to look on the bright side though and although I am not interested AT ALL in modern British History or Colonization pattern amongst Europe PRIOR to the Middle Ages I am going to take it in stride and think that there must be a reason why I am in these particular classes. After all I will still be in England and that was always the point anyway.
I have also been stocking up on the stuff I need for England. I got a down jacket the other day at Burlington coat Factory which is really cute!! I also have lots of sweaters and long sleeve shirts and scarves and gloves, etc to keep me warm.
I have also researched the amount of luggage I am able to take with me over there and I have no idea if I'll be able to fit it all in my 2 checked bags and 2 carry-ons (one carry on being a backpack). I'll probably ship stuff over there too, but I can't think how much that'll cost.
Other than that life has been good! I am feeling more scholastic. With my work schedule being minimal (15 - 20hrs a week) I have more time to do homework and more time to RELAX!!
Also, one of my FAVORITE holidays is this week!! YAY halloween! I have already had one party and this friday I'll have 2 more... one is for work in the morning and the other is Shawn and Nicole's. I am way excited!! The party on sunday was our college groups and I went as Buffy the Vampire Slayer! I think what I love most about Halloween is the part where I dress up! I had so much fun getting all dressed up. Of course I was the Sarah Michelle Gellar Buffy, which meant 1997 baby!!! I also loved walking into Home Depot and asking for a wooden stake (of course I was in costume on the way to the party). The guy looked puzzled, so I clarified, "a stake that you'd hammer into the ground." to which he replied, "or kill a vampire with?" I laughed so hard and he became my favorite person for the day. Here are some pictures, because I know none of you read the above and that all we blog readers look at are pictures, hehe.