Friday, March 23, 2007

I'm still here... I promise

It is late at night and yet I am unable to sleep... with a long day behind me and a even longer day of moving ahead of me, I find myself sitting in front of the computer not ready to rest my brain... perhaps I should be packing some more stuff for the big move into the apartment tomorrow (I have nothing packed) or maybe going thru my 264 pictures of new york to try to find ones to post or thereafter explain and convey my amazingly fun, exhausting, funny, and adventurous trip to new york - (can I also take this moment to say thank you to Jeannette for reading my blog and caring about my lack of posting).

But instead I am doing nothing productive and calculating the minutes until I have to get up in the morning to go to work - 8 hours.

I will try to post my pictures soon... but between working and now moving, it may take me some time... please bare with me and know I am glad to be home and so glad I had the opportunity of a wonderful New York trip! Talk to you soon!

1 comment:

Aaron said...

Waiting with eager anticipation for NYC pics...but for moving pics as well! Please, for the sake of a Phoenician in a foreign town, post pics of good old Glenwood Terrace! Hope the move goes splendidly:)