I am sickened by the fact that the video paused on that particular image of me... disgusting.
So after 2 flights, one vomit bag, 13 levels of bejeweled, one video screen not working for a 7 hours flight, 4 HEAVY suitcases, barely making my connection, maneuvering around heathrow with all my luggage by myself, 1 shuttle, 3 flights of stairs, and a blown outlet, 1 electrician asking me out for drinks (via note under my door), 4 orientation sessions, 2 dinners, 15 tissues (I have a cold), a couple of international friends, and 5 skype conversations with family and friends later and I am finally cozy in my room. It has been a full couple of days...
I have been having quite the time. It feels like summer camp though and that I'll be heading home in a week... but I won't. I thought I could beat the jet lag, but alas I woke up at 1am after going to sleep at 9:30pm and was ready for my day. I lulled myself back to sleep with some reading, and I slept again from 3am - 9am. Hopefully tonight will go better. I have been hanging out mostly with the other exchange students because we are really the only ones here. But they are all really fun and not all from America. Some are from Australia and one girl is from Italy.
And, yeah. I got asked out by the "young electrician" who came and fixed my outlet that I almost blew up with my stupid american stuff. He slipped a note under my door and didn't write his name, just a number, asked me if I "fancied a drink sometime" and nothing else. I'm not calling. A. because I hardly remembered him being there - I was about to take a nap, and still had wet hair from my shower. B. He didn't even leave his name and I don't have a phone to call him. C. I refuse to accept the first guy that asks me out. Pretty funny though that after only 2 hours of being here, I already had a date request.
Other than that is has just been orientations and meeting new people. I am going on a tour tomorrow with the other exchange students to Egham, Staines, Eton, and Windsor. I'll get a tour of Windsor castle and a free lunch... so lots of picture to come, I'm sure.
But it is 10:30pm here and I have to go to sleep because I am getting sick (hence the 15 tissues). Miss you all!
this one if for Jason.
P.S. Amy bought her plane ticket to England for April!! I am so excited she's coming
i like that you wore your retainer for the video. No wonder the "young electrician" wanted to go out with you! Not many people can get a date within 2 hours of being in a city. You are so foreign and mysterious. Cant wait to "skype" you again, that sounds scary. This time hopefully I wont be like Helen Keller. Wait the only she she could do was talk, nevermind...
Cozy!! Cool that you have your own room.
Wow! That is so so fun! Thinking about you!
Seriously...the view...terrible...couldn't you have asked for something a little more scenic??? I mean come on??
"I refuse to accept the first guy that asks me out." My my, we are quite the hot commodity aren't we? Hey, let me be the firstish to welcome you to Eurasia.
Jason went to bed thinking the photo was for him, trying to figure it out. Alas when he awoke this morning, he discovered there is yet another Jason in your life. Sadness, can you take a photo for him? Have a great day!
A date after 2 hours?? This is going to be a busy 6 months...
I think you should go out with the electritian. A. He has a job (always a plus!) B. He saw you exahsted with wet hair and no makeup and still asked you out, so you know he is serious. and C. I am interested to hear how you accept a date from a guy whoes name you don't know!
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