I am exhausted... I have been going a mile a minutes this week at work, not sleeping well, and have been suffering from back pain for three weeks now... all this to say that I slept in until 1pm today... part of me feels guilty for wasting a perfectly good saturday, but that is quickly pushed away by an incredible sense of peace and non-stress filled bliss. In fact, I have nothing to do today anyways, so why not spend it how I want to spend it... in bed and watching movies, and blogging. I think I may run out and go to Goodwill (50% off sale today) in a little bit, but then I'll come back here and sit and ice my back, and relax. I also may take something for this lingering headache... okay I just did.
In other news, my computer is back... after almost 2 weeks at the apple store I have my laptop back in my pocession, and what sweet joy it is to have it home. I also purchased a cute "burnt orange" laptop bag... trust me it is cute, and I am brainstorming ways to make it cuter. The sad thing is, I cannot get internet access on it at the home where I am currently house-sitting... so this blog is brought to you by a PC computer... I am swallowing my pride and all sense of propriety as I type these words. Speaking of which, check out the new Apple commercials
here. They are beyond hilarious!!
Next weekend I will be filming a student film with my brother (the director, writer, and producer)... it is for a class he is in. Super fun. I don't even know a lot about my part, or my lines, or the entire plot line... but whatever... it'll be fun.
Can I tell you I create these blog posts, and at the end I sit and re-read what I wrote... looking for typos and errors, and I sit back and question, "why the heck would anyone care about whatever I have to say". So if you have anything in particular you would like for me to write about, please tell me.
I am going to go and finish watching "
Stand by Me" (which I have never seen before)with River Phoenix, Corey Feldman, and a young Keifer Sutherland... it is going to make me cry I know it.