Saturday, November 01, 2008


It has come and gone and I have now changed all the calendars in my house to November. I LOVE november... I pretty much love all the months from October to December, but of course November has my birthday in it, so it holds a particularly special place in my heart. Also when I think of November I immediately think about the cool weather, wearing sweaters, turning off the air in my apartment... NONE of these I can do yet. You know why?? Because it's 90-something degrees outside!! I am disappointed in Arizona this year because it failed me. I can always time it perfectly that Halloween night will be chili - no dice. It was warm and is still warm today... now it's not HOT but it is not sweater-wearing weather which is what I want.

Anyway, now that I have ranted, here are some lovely pics from Halloween. My costume, you may be curious to know, is Twiggy.

1 comment:

AmyKristen said...

Miranda, you looked so good as Twiggy! Good job! :) Looks like a fun Halloween! :)