Thursday, February 05, 2009

update on that sickly girl in England...

So as you read in my last post (if you actually read it and didn't just scan through the photos and watch the video - I don't judge, I've done as much myself) I have been sick. Monday was blurred in moments of sleep and wakefulness... and snow. But tuesday things were looking up. I didn't go to class, honestly more because I didn't want to and less due to my annoyingly distracting cough, but I felt I needed another day of rest before going back to full activity. I planned on wednesday to go into town (Egham) and grocery shop and get started on my essay due next week, but God and my body had other plans. I woke up yesterday morning with the most painful and violent cough ever... I felt just terrible, chills, achey joints, weak, miserable - absolutely miserable. As the morning hours progressed I felt closer and closer to death (dramatic? not really). I decided I needed to go see the doctor. I am not covered under school insurance, so I could only imagine the amount of money this was going to cost me... but I hobbled quite feebly down to the other side of the founder's building to the health center. Phoebe came with me in case I passed out or flat out died along the way. But, when I got there the nurse wasn't in... they told me to come back in an hour. I tried to see if they had soup in the dining hall so I could have SOMETHING to eat... but they didn't. Finally an hour later I saw the nurse... she took my temperature and told me it was 40.2... but I don't understand Celsius and she couldn't translate into Fahrenheit, but she told me it was pretty high. So then she scheduled an appointment for me to see the doctor later that afternoon. So I hobbled back up to my room to wait the 2 hours until I could be seen by the doctor... I also decided to see just how high 40.2 degrees Celsius was... turns out friends it's 104.36 degrees fahrenheit!!!! THAT'S REALLY HIGH! I skyped my parents feeling like I was knocking on deaths door... or at least unconsciousness' door and told them my plight.

Finally I went down to see the doctor and although she didn't say what I had exactly she did prescribe me an inhaler and an antibiotic... too bad I didn't have one of my violent coughing fits in her office... I always fail to exhibit symptoms when I need to. Anyway... I'm pretty sure it's Bronchitis. I think this because I kept telling her that's what I thought it was and she never said it wasn't. The appoint also only cost me £30 (much less than I thought)

The bad news though is I had no way of getting to the pharmacy to get my prescription filled. It was 5:30 and dark by the time I was done, so I just loaded myself with a decogestant (my nose was still stuffy), Theraflu, and tylenol PM and went to sleep. Woke up at around midnight with a very violent yet very "productive" cough, which actually made me feel better than the dry annoying cough I had been having. Then this morning I walked down to Egham in the rain to get my medicine. I walked down the stairs of my building and got pretty winded, so the 20 minute walk uphill was not expected to me pleasant. I was also thinking the medication was gonna cost me A LOT, but it only came to £13.50! So I picked up a couple groceries while I was down there and then headed home, again in the rain. Made it back to my dorm room by 1pm and then sank into my warm bed. I am pretty sure I was running a fever again from my excursion. But I am now on medication and an inhaler, so I am on the fast track to wellness again.

I also went down to dinner tonight to grab some food and met some very nice new people who decided to sit with Phoebe and myself... too made I was wearing sweats, no make up, and a ASU baseball cap because I hadn't combed my hair in 2 days... I was also coughing every other word... great impression Miranda... one of the guys was cute too... ugh.

Oh, and shout out to Phoebe who made me toast, got me orange juice, and tissues, and walked with me to the doctor... thanks Phoebe!!


linda t said...

SOOOO thankful that you are on the mend.
Your Dad & I have been worried sick... but trusting that the Lord was there to love and comfort in our place.
Love you! Mom

"Daddy" said...

Well wouln't that just be terrible, you finally go on your big adventure, and then die of the plague within a month!!! Glad things are turning around!! Miss you lots my friend!

teresa said...

I'm glad you're feeling better too!!by the way, I like to read the blogs, but sometimes I do just look at the pictures!!

Skerrib said...

Man, I'm way behind on your tales of adventure. I've been away from the blogs too long. So glad you got some good meds without breaking the bank.

NanAZ said...

Miranda, we're so glad that you're starting to feel better! That was a scary fever and it's never fun to be sick alone. I'm glad God sent Phoebe to come alongside and be a help to you.

We love you and miss you!