Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Online classes...

Can I just take this opportunity to warn about online classes in college. Some of you might think of the idea of online classes and think, "they are flexible, limited work, no commute, and less work than normal classes..." and a couple of those statements would be WRONG!! Yes, they are flexible with when you complete assignments, but they still require your to turn in a legitimate heft assignment at least 2x a week. There is "limited work" is a lie. "No commute" is true enough. "Less work than normal classes" is a lie as well!!! Seriously my online classes take up at least 5x times more hours of my week than my 2 ACTUAL classes combined!! It is ridiculous! There are discussion boards, reading responses, article analysis, etc. Most classes would have a discussion during class time about the reading, and if I didn't understand the reading or had no opinion about it, I simply would remain quiet... not in an online class!! You are expected to write about 500 words on everything you read and it is agonizing if you really have nothing to say!!!
Now I have taken some classes like "history of broadway musicals" and "shakespeare in film" where I had NO WORK and it was glorious... so if you are going to take an online class, go that route. But don't take English classes or history classes online... because they are ridiculously time consuming!

This is my soapbox for the day!

Posts to come...
Elsie Lane Thompson
Fashion Week Challenge

1 comment:

brandi said...

Yea for Elsie Lane and Fashion Week!!!! Sorry about online classes. We didn't have online classes when I was in college.