1. Spring dresses with cardigans

2. a dock by a lake

3. Jane Austen (of course)

4. wedding dresses with pockets

5. Book of Romans

6. the color grey (I actually spent most of the morning trying to find an affordable duvet cover in grey - so if you know where I can find one for cheap, please let me know!)

7. Weekend bags (I'm in search of the perfect one for under $30)

8. bike riding across ASU in the evenings

9. cucumbers (they're yummy)

10. Forever21 (got a gift card for christmas from my bro Tyler and I can't wait to go on a little shopping spree with it!)

Okay, I know that was a random list of stuff... some of it you probably wonder why it makes me happy... but as I said in the beginning, my life has been monotonous at best... so I am easily pleased right now :)
What makes you happy?